Thursday, September 30, 2010

Newspaper Is The People's Parliament

The newspaper plays an important role in modern civilization.It is said to be the mirror of the world.We must have the habit of reading the newspaper daily.It helps us in acquiring general knowledge which is essential for our education.No one can keep contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper.Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life.A man who does not read newspapers daily is like a frog in narrow well.Being ignorant of the current topics,he cannot take  part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and seems like a fish out of water.The newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties such as the news of the current affairs,trade and commerce,films,games and sports etc.Moreover,the views of scholars on different subjects are discussed.All these have some educative values and we must have the habit of reading the newspapers as it is blessing of modern civilization.But one should bear in mind that newspaper bears comments of divers nature and interests by the reporters and critics of various angles.We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep an open mind to the facts and problems.

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