Thursday, September 30, 2010

Newspaper Is The People's Parliament

The newspaper plays an important role in modern civilization.It is said to be the mirror of the world.We must have the habit of reading the newspaper daily.It helps us in acquiring general knowledge which is essential for our education.No one can keep contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper.Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life.A man who does not read newspapers daily is like a frog in narrow well.Being ignorant of the current topics,he cannot take  part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and seems like a fish out of water.The newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties such as the news of the current affairs,trade and commerce,films,games and sports etc.Moreover,the views of scholars on different subjects are discussed.All these have some educative values and we must have the habit of reading the newspapers as it is blessing of modern civilization.But one should bear in mind that newspaper bears comments of divers nature and interests by the reporters and critics of various angles.We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep an open mind to the facts and problems.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Electricity Is a Part Of Our Life

Nowadays electricity is such a part of our life and so much taken for granted nowadays that we rarely think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio.At nights roads are brightly lit,enabling people and traffic to move freely.Neon lighting used in advertising has become part of the character of every modern city.In the home,many labour-saving devices are powered by electricity.Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep,electricity is working for us,driving our refrigerators,heating our water,or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.Everyday,trains trolley-buses,and trams take us to and form work.We rarely bother to consider why or how they run-until something goes wrong.In the summer of 1959,something did go wrong with the power plant that provides New York with electricity.For a great many hours,life came almost to a standstill.Trains refused to move and the people in them sat in the dark,powerless to do anything;lifts stopped working,so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped between two floors,you had the unpleasant task of finding you way down hundreds of flights of stairs.Famous streets like Broadway and Fifth Avenue in an instant became as gloomy and uninviting as the most remote back streets.People were afraid to leave their houses,for although the police had been order to stand by in case of emergency,they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.
Meanwhile similar disorder prevailed in the home.New York can be stifling in the summer and this year was no exception.Cool,air-conditioned apartments became furnaces.Food went bad in refrigerator.Cakes and joints of meat remained uncooked in cooling ovens,and people sat impatient and frightened in the dark as if an unseen enemy had landed from Mars.The only people who were not troubled by the darkness were the blind.One of the strangest things that occurred during the power-cut was that some fifty blind people led many sighted workers home.When the light came on again,hardly any person in the city can have turned on a switch without reflecting how great a servant he had at his finger-tips.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mobile Phone Is One Of The Wonderful Wonders Of Science

Since the dawn of civilization,science has progressed to the present position step by step.Science has recently made rapid strides.It has conquered every sphere of life with its blessing as well as with its curse.We have invented and discovered many wonderful wonders with the help of science and technology.Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system.It is a telephone system that works without any wire.It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place.Through mobile phone,we can send messages to distant places,play games and sports,know about time,solve the work of calculation,be aware of different kinds of news and views.At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing.Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone.The price of mobile phone is also decreasing in compares with the past.People are being encouraged to buy a mobile phone set at a cheaper rate.However with the touch of science and technology,the whole world seems to be a global village.In a very single moment,we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place.With all its advantages,the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise.Though the price of it is decreasing,per minute bill is not decreasing.So everybody cannot possess it.Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can causes cancer to the user.Besides,it has become a fashion with the young people.Last but not the least,terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world.But in spite of all these disadvantages,it can be finalised here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages,cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Internet-The Global Communication

Internet is the computer-based global information system.The Internet is composed on many interconnected computer networks.Each network may link tens,hundreds or even thousand of computer,enabling them to share information with one another and to share computational resources such as powerful super computers and databases of information.The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to communicative effectively and inexpensively with one another.Unlike traditional broadcasting media,such as radio,television,the Internet does not have a centralized distribution system.Instead,an individual who has the Internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the Internet,make information available to others,find information provided by others,or sell products with a minimum overhead cost.
A browser is a programme,such as google chrome,Mozilla FireFox,Internet explore,that allows a computer to display documents containing text,graphics,photographs,sounds,videos and animation's.Most browser are used to view information on the World Wide Web or on Internet companies or organization.Browsers have various buttons sites already accessed,and use a search engine to find information.
The Internet has brought new opportunities to government,business and education.Governments use the Internet for internal communication,distribution of information,and automated tax processing.In addition to offering goods and services online to customers,businesses use the Internet to interact with other businesses.Many individuals use the Internet for shopping paying bills and online banking.Educational institutions use the Internet for research and to deliver courses to students at remote sites.

Friday, September 10, 2010

People Don Not Eat The Same Food All Over The World

It varies from place to place.The eating habits of the people of a country depend largely  on its geographical position,climate and soil..That is to say the kinds of food that people eat depend on what they can grow or afford to buy from other countries.For instance,people in the tropical countries eat a lot of fruits and vegetable which grow abundantly in these regions.The chief foods of the people of Hawaii and Polynesia in the pacific are taro roots,bread-fruit and seafood.They also eat a lot of limes,coconuts,bananas and pine-apples which grow in plenty in this island.The Indians of Central America eat mostly fruits and vegetable which they easily get around them.Again the Eskimos live almost entirely on meat and fish.Because vegetables cannot grow in the ice-covered regions they live in.It is interesting to note that the world 'Eskimo' itself means"the eater of fish."In fact,a lot of fish in eaten raw by the Eskimos.
Meat is eaten in the countries that have large parterres for grazing livestock.Large meat eating countries are Australia,Argentina,Canada and the U.S.A
It is quite natural that fish should be an important food in the countries with large seacoast.Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Finland and Japan are examples of such countries.Much of the food of Japan which is country of island,comes from the sea.They eat allot of sea-weed.Thus we see that the kinds of food that people eat very throughout the world.

Computer-The Great Invention Of Science

 The world is moving fast with the advertisement of science and technology.Computer is a wonder of modern science and technology.Charles Babbage,Professor of Mathematics,thought of this computer in the 1830.But Professor Howard Aiken invented the first mechanical computer in 1944.After that electronic computer were invented.Now computer is changing almost everyday.
There are two kinds of computer.These are mode based and Mathematical based.The mode based are  analogue computer.In the past it was used for single purpose.The next generation of computers is mathematically based.Beside there are Digital computer,Hybrid computer and super computer.
The components of computer are CPU,Key-board and mouse,monitor,printer or output device.The three parts of CPU or Central processing Unit are memory,arithmetic logic and controlling unit.The key-board resembles the traditional key-board or type-writer.There are other function keys F1 to f12 and numeric akin to a calculator key-pad.
The computer has revolutionized printing,banking and other industrial work.One can put ten years of file which can fill 20 cabinets in a small disk.
It can compose books,newspaper and reports in a great speed.It can play chess and even can play on musical instruments.Nowadays,traffic is also controlled with the help of computers.Bangladesh has stepped into the era of computers.She has entered into Internet.The world of information has come to our homes.We all should learn how to operate computer as the modern world is the age of computer.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Studies Are Part And Parcel Of Human Beign

Without studies none can achieve superiority in the field of knowledge.The use of studies may be classified under four heads.The use of studies for delight,for ornament,for ability and for virtue.The reader should know that what kind of book,why and how should be read.We should read the book for our own sake.To attain worldly success we should combine study and experience.The wise men put their studies to practical utility.We should not read book merely to be able to contradict others to obtain material for conversation.We should read book in order to ponder over what we read and judge the value of what the book contains.Different kinds of book have different effects on the reader.Such as history makes a man wise.Poetry develops man's imagination and ingenuity,logic and rhetoric develops a man's ability to debate and argue.Natural philosophy enables us to go deep into thinking and develops our expressive power of studies and cures mental defects as the appropriate physical exercises cure defects of the body.Bowling is good for the kidneys.Shooting is good for the lung and walking is good for the digestion.Similarly the study of mathematics is good for wandering minds.If a man suffers from a confusion of thought,he should take up the study of scholastic philosophy.
Above all,if we want to develop our personality,we should read book more and more